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Disembark, Commander. Leave your mark on the galaxy.

Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Here battles rage, governments fall, and humanity’s frontier expands – and you can impact it all. Welcome to the definitive massively multiplayer space epic.

Elite Icon
  • Fight

    Master a multi-layered, deep, tactical battlefield where Commanders, SRVs and Starships converge.

  • Explore

    Be the first to look upon new stars and planets. Touch down on breathtaking worlds and soak in suns rising over unforgettable vistas.

  • Choose

    Forge your own path as you hunt, explore, fight, mine, smuggle, trade and survive in the 34th century by Starship or on-foot.

  • Share

    Stand shoulder to shoulder with your fellow Commanders to take on enemies, complete missions and share in incredible discoveries.

  • Cosmetics

    Buy customisations for your commander, ships, SRVs and fighters.

  • ARX Store

    ARX Store

    Use ARX to buy customization items for your Commander, ships, SRVs and fighters.

  • Merchandise


    Represent Elite Dangerous with our range of t-shirts, hoodies, mugs and more.

A Galaxy Awaits...

400 billion star systems make for the largest designed playspace in videogame history. 2024澳5官方开奖最靠谱网站 168澳洲幸运5开奖直播视频现场 历史开奖记录体彩查询, and black holes of our galaxy match their epic true proportions.

In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, each player’s unique journey influences the connected gaming experience.


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You have free reign to choose the life you want to live in Elite Dangerous. Customise the look of your Commander, outfit your ship with upgrades, freshen up your SRV’s paint job, and more.

Community Goals Icon

Community Goals

Cooperate with Commanders en-masse to reshape the galaxy in Community Goals! Rally behind intergalactic causes to defend traders from ravaging pirates. Support and supply enterprising efforts to construct powerful Megaships and Starports. Earn exclusive decals, credits, and more!

Community Goals
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Available For
  • Epic Games
  • PlayStation 4
  • Steam
  • Xbox One

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Dive into the incredible world of Elite Dangerous today and get ready to kick-start your career among the stars.

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